Appendix 5:

"Official" Astronomical Names

Astronomy is an old science. Its nomenclature is often derived from tradition and history (especially Greek/Roman mythology) rather than from what might today seem more sensible. The names of the objects in the solar system are particularly so. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is officially in charge of assigning astronomical names and it is very sensitive to astronomical tradition.


Planets in our solar system get a name as soon as possible. There aren't likely to be any new ones until we see them around another star. Who knows what convention will be used then.


Satellites of the planets are assigned a provisional designation (indicating year of discovery) by the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) upon satisfactory demonstration of the existence of a new object. For example, when Voyager 2 found a bunch of new moons in its 1989 Neptune encounter, they were named 1989 N 1, 1989 N 2, etc. When the orbit of the new object is accurate enough to allow the prediction of future positions with reasonable accuracy, the object is assigned a Roman numeral (e.g. Neptune VIII), and the object may receive a name (e.g. Proteus). (The name is suggested by the discoverer(s), but following tradition is strongly encouraged; so if you want to name a planet or satellite, get out your books of mythology. Note also that the moons of Uranus are a special case -- they get literary instead of mythological names.)


Asteroids are at first given provisional numbers indicating the year and month of discovery. The provisional designation is the year, followed by a letter that indicates the half-month during which the discovery occurred, followed by a letter that indicates sequence within the half-month. So 1982 DB was reported in the last half of February 1982, and it's the second asteroid discovered during that period. When their orbits are understood well enough that their future position can be predicted well, they are given a permanent number and name. "243 Ida" is the 243rd asteroid to be numbered (not necessarily the 243rd discovered). The name is again chosen by the discoverer, but there's much more latitude; asteroids can be named after a living person, or almost anything else (e.g. "2309 Mr. Spock").


In the past, Comets were first given a provisional designation, consisting of the year and a lowercase letter indicating the order of discovery in the year (e.g., 1994a was the first comet discovered or recovered in 1994, 1994b the second, etc.). The name was also assigned at an early stage. Up to three (preferably independent) discoverers may have been attached to the comet. Some time later, the comets that had passed perihelion in a given year were assigned Roman numeral designations indicating the order of perihelion passage within the year. The Roman numeral designations for 1993 and 1994 are given in the Jan. 1995 batch of Minor Planet Circulars (MPCs).

Note that whole comet designation system was revamped starting in the beginning of 1995. The main points of the new scheme are:

  1. the provisional designation system will more closely match the designation system for minor planets. The first comet discovered in the first half of 1995 Jan. will be designated 1995 A1, the second 1995 A2, etc.
  2. long-period comets and one-apparition periodic comets will receive only a provisional designations--there will be no equivalent of the Roman numeral designation.
  3. upon recovery at a second apparition (or following through aphelion) periodic comets will receive a sequential number. E.g., P/Halley will be 1P.
  4. routine recoveries of periodic comets will not receive provisional designations.
  5. the nature of the comet orbit will be indicated by a prefix: P/ for periodic comets, C/ for long-periodic comets, D/ for defunct comets (e.g., 1993e) and X/ for uncertain comets. Additionally, A/ will be used to indicate that the object is a minor planet.
  6. comets will continue to be named in general terms for their discoverers ensuring fairness and simplicity.
The new scheme will be backdated, so old comets will receive new-style designations. Lists of cross-references between the old and new schemes will be made available (e.g., through the CBAT/MPC WWW homepage, which should be available in Dec., or published in the next edition of the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits). The initial list of periodic comet numbers will be published in the December batch of MPCs.

Some examples of new comet designations:

  C/1995 A1 (Levy)
  C/1995 G7-A (Machholz)        Fragment A of a split comet Machholz
  P/1995 M3 (Shoemaker-Scotti)  New periodic comet
  200P                          Routine observation of periodic comet at
                                  second of subsequent return
Here is a copy of the official IAU resolution.

Surface Features

Landscape features on planets, satellites, and asteroids follow complicated conventions set by the IAU Nomenclature Committee. Among these are the restriction that a planetary feature may not bear the name of a living person or of a political or religious figure from the last 200 years. A good explanation of this may be found in *Planetary Mapping*, edited by Greeley & Batson Cambridge U.Press, 1990. (Gee, it's handy having Phil Stooke's Planetary Map FAQ lying around on my disk!)

The derivations of the names of Venusian surface features can be found in this text file.

[ Adapted from usenet postings by Bill Higgins and Gareth Williams but any errors are mine. ]

Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

This site contains detailed information about all names of topographic and albedo features on planets and satellites (and some planetary ring and ring-gap systems) that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has named and approved.
Contents ... Appendices ... Linguistics ... Names ... Hypotheticals ... Host

Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 26